Monday, July 11, 2011

My new guilty pleasure...


Have you heard of it or received an invite yet?  If not, it is my pleasure to introduce Pinterest to you!  It is a place to save all of the wonderful things you find online.  When I find something online that I want to refer back to at some point, I bookmark it.  The problem with that is I forget the name of the site and have to search through a million bookmarks to find the dang link.  I max out my photo files this way too!  Pinterest not only solves this frustrating problem it gives you a space to create your own boards with photos of all the things you find online.  You can name your boards and pin things to specific boards.  Just like a virtual inspiration or bulletin board. For example...if you are designing a nursery you can make a board for that. Every time you see something beautiful (eco-friendly crib, modern rug or cool piece of art) for your nursery pin it to your board.  It would also be a great way to organize all the gadgets you are shopping or registering for (strollers, baby carriers, monitors etc...) Also great for planning trips (Babymoon?)  Getting ready for holidays.  Planning an end of Summer soireeStoring recipes.  The list goes on and on.  The best part is that you can share your boards and peek at other member's boards. I am constantly re-pinning things I see on other boards.  It is a great place to be inspired and a wonderful community of like minded, creative, uber organized and those who aspire to be organized! 
My current boards are:
  • "It's all about me" Style, beauty & accessories I covet
  • "The Nest" Design ideas for the home
  • "2 lil Monkeys" Anything I find of interest for my kiddos
  • "The Think Tank" Design & organizational ideas for my office
  • "What's for dinner?" A collection of yummy recipes & photos that I might make some day??
You will love Pinterest if... 

You are a creative person who likes to be inspired.
You are an organization freak (like me).
You have "Mommy brain" and can't remember where anything is.
You enjoy sharing your "finds" with friends and virtual friends.
Here is the website

If you sign up...send me a quick email, I would love to follow your boards!
 Have fun pinning!


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